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VioletaVioleta is the first client of Worlds Day Care Centre to successfully enter the labour market owing to MWF's Supported Employment Programme. In May 2015 Villy joined the kitchen team of NOVOTEL SOFIA, one of the city's busiest hotels. She works four hours a day under a regular employment contract.

Villy is a truly dedicated worker and does everything with pleasure. She cuts and arranges fruits and vegetables, lays sandwiches in trays, operates dish washers and polishes cutlery. From her colleagues in the kitchen she learned what it means to be a team member – work fast, meet standards, and use a lot of humor and enjoyment.

Violeta lives with her sister. Now Villy is very proud of being able to help run the household with the wage she earns. She knows everything there is to know about house chores and organising her time. She likes to spend her time off walking in the company of her three dogs. She and her sister love partying with friends.



Sofia 1404
8, Riccardo Vaccarini str.
Т: +359 2 423 97 40,
М: 0886 182 201
E: office@mariasworld.org

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