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mariaMaria is the most trusted person at the Daycare Centre. Somehow she manages to make friends with everyone and clients often seek her advice on various occasions.

She meets and supports every new client with kindness and friendliness.

Maria’s natural sense of accuracy helps her maintain orderliness and ensure that the programme for each day is adhered to.

She works at her favourite Art Atelier, where she skillfully makes souvenirs. She likes nice, gleaming decorations with plenty of brocade, so she cannot wait for the time when the Atelier will start making Christmas souvenirs. She likes teamwork and is always available to help anyone who is struggling.

Maria is a waitress at the Sheltered Café, where she is increasingly confident in taking orders and serving customers. This experience helps Maria address her fear of going out alone and speaking to people she does not know.

It is perfectly fair to say that Maria is the soul of the group. At the sound of music, she is the first one to jump and start dancing. She cannot wait for the next appropriate occasion to put on her most elegant dress and nice jewelry.



Sofia 1404
8, Riccardo Vaccarini str.
Т: +359 2 423 97 40,
М: 0886 182 201
E: office@mariasworld.org

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